Hey, It's been a while since I've updated this site.
During the end of the year I decided it was time to dust off the cobwebs.
I've migrated to a new static site generator (from Jekyll* to Eleventy), upgraded the web server, and fixed all those bugs that show up when you aren't looking.
It seems like the "personal web" (or some say 'Weird Web') is making a come back.
Last few years I've mostly been posting stuff to Instagram, but that's starting to give off dying mega-mall vibes.
So, my new years resolution is to post here more often.
New Zines
In November I tabled at Short Run, and made some new zines.
They're posted on the publications page, and they are available to purchase at Bigcartel if you'd like one.
Fax Simile no. 16, the most recent issue of my collection of weirdo gag comics.
Isometric Tuna no. 8, diary comics from my pocket notebooks.
And Object on Arrival no. 2, drawings and comics from 2022 and 2023.
* Jekyll was and is still a great tool, but I don't use Ruby much, and got tired of version management for it.
Last week I decided to print a new issue of Fax Simile for the first time since 2019.
Since before COVID.
Fax Simile is a zine series I've published regularly since around 2013.
I tend to put in a particular type of drawing, what I think of as weirdo gag cartoons, and during the pandemic I just wasn't drawing much in that style.
Suddenly I'm interested again.
It seemed the best thing to do was to look over what I had from this hiatus and put out another issue.
So Here's issue 15.
Another thing I did during COVID was draw a lot of self portraits.
Many in the reflection of a shiny coffee pot, or during video chats.
This one is in a small hand mirror at the kitchen table.
Reading a book on Bonnard it mentioned Italian painters in the past calling the practice of incorporating a mirror into the composition as a specchio?
New zine available, Object On Arrival.
36 pages of sketchbook drawings and comics from January to September 2021.
Available now.
Order at bigcartel
California vote NO on this recall nonsense!
If the republicans take over, they want to repeal mask mandates.
These mask mandates are what is keeping my kid safe at school.
No masks in schools will lead to more dead and sick kids.
Vote NO, wear a mask, and for fucks sake get vaccinated!